Internal Family Systems (IFS)

Want to learn more about IFS – check out the IFS-institute page for information about this model as well as these articles:

Follow this link to Find an IFS Therapist in your area

On this page you can find some tools that may help you work with Self and your Parts.

The tools and coping skills on this website (audio and videos) are intended to demonstrate different strategies that can possibly relieve stress, anxiety and depression symptoms. These tools are not intended to take the place of therapy with a licensed professional. These IFS tools are intended to help clients that are either engaged in Self therapy or are being assisted by a therapist using IFS strategies. I recommend that you consult with a licensed therapist before attempting these exercises on your own. Working with our parts can be a very healing process, but some of our parts can hold intense emotions and may feel overwhelming. Talk with your therapist or contact a licensed professional to learn more about the risks that can come up when working with parts and remember – All Parts are welcome!

The Path Exercise – This is a meditation borrowed from a book by Richard Schwartz PH. D., Introduction to the Internal Family Systems Model read and recorded here by Shane Murphy, LCSW.

Brief Body Scan with IFS @pcstherapy on youtube – an insight meditation to assist with identifying parts and Self Energy.

Using IFS strategies in this video to get to know a Part better. Identify a Part, notice any Parts with fears or concerns, unblend, get to know the part better, and extend compassion and appreciation.
Using IFS strategies to extend gratitude and appreciation to a Manager Part