Covid -19 and Telehealth

As we all try to adjust and manage this new crisis, you might feel even more isolated than ever before. Many therapists are using technology to bridge the gap between Social Distancing and Therapy Sessions. Telehealth is that bridge. Telehealth is the use of audio and video technology (similar to what many may already be familiar with like Skype and Facetime) over an internet connection via smartphone, tablet or computer. This form of therapy has been found effective and comparable to face-to-face therapy. Many clients have found teletherapy to be more helpful than they had anticipated.

To prepare for your first session, you want to identify a place to have the session where you can ensure that you will have privacy for your session. Try to close any apps or programs on your phone, tablet or computer that are not needed in order to maintain a good connection for your teletherapy session. In the event that technical issues arise, make sure that your therapist has your phone number so that they can call to help troubleshoot, or have the session over the phone if needed. Be prepared for the session, like you would if you came to the office, arriving on-time, dressed appropriately, etc. Be prepared with Kleenex if you are anticipating a difficult or emotional session. If possible avoid having sessions in bedrooms and bathrooms. If there is no alternative due to privacy, try to have a chair in the room rather than being on the bed or toilet.

For many of us, in-person or face-to-face sessions are all we have known, up until now. As with many things in life, we adapt. Teletherapy is that adaptation that is needed while we manage stress, anxiety and grief that may come with this new crisis affecting most of us today. Give it a try, talk to your therapist about any concerns that you have. Teletherapy works, it can help you function better during these trying times.